Sociolinguistic is one of the major concern that exist in the language and society which is also the connections between the language and the society and the way we use it in different social situation. From the articles we have found and studied, we have understood better on the origins of the language. We also explored a lot in the different types of languages used and the article business language which we found caught our interest the most.
In this article we can see from the picture clearly that a business deal is being done. It also shows us, how two different people who do not share the same common language try to come to an understanding to make business. Thus we can also see that they have reached an agreement with each other. In this picture also we can predict that they had to face a rough time trying to understand and communicate. There are a lot of optical illusion that can be answered and question back from this picture.
Besides that, this article shows us that we still used the pidgin which was used in the 19th century where it was used to communicate with the mix people, for shipping and trading routes. This two people had made their way to understanding by using one of the first dominant languages in the world. With the existence of pidgins, business dealing has become much easier in the world these days. It has help human realized that things can be done in other different alternate ways.
On the other hand, there are many small differences that are not taken count. Such as the personal appearance of the people with their dressing code and the culture differences which are obvious with the cup of coffee and the Chinese tea glass. The picture also shows us the two different trade marks that show us the development of the country. In the picture we can also see overall the differences of culture, regions and ethics of a person which pictures the people today.
Lastly the scope of a language can be as wide as possible. But it can be one of the easiest ways to learn and adopt it. It basically just depends on the individual in acquiring it in their own ways to benefit it.
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