Monday, August 25, 2008

What is an Adjunct? In my understanding

What is the definition of an Adjunct? The word derives from the Latin word 'adiƫnctus' meaning 'to join to'. The definition of Adjunct is an element in a sentence that, whilst not essential to the structure of the sentence, amplifies its meaning. An adjunct establishes the circumstances in which the actions expressed by the verb take place.
Examples: Yesterday, tomorrow, after
Adjuncts are used to refer to particular peripheral roles and how these peripheral roles can also be realized in other ways. In the process we'll discover some interesting ways in which languages can differ from one another. One kind of difference involves a distinction that is made in one language but not in another. In other words, two different sentences in one language correspond to one ambiguous sentence in the other language. Another kind of difference involves alternate ways of conveying the same information. One language may express in adjuncts what another language expresses within the verb itself. An adjunct is used in a sentence that may have certain parts of a sentence that convey information about how, when, or where something happened
He ate his meal quickly (how) David gave blood last week (when) Susan went to school in New York (where

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