Wednesday, February 13, 2008

my assignment essay for academic writing skills



Cancer is the main problem this day which increase the risk of educational issue. Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases which kill many people gradually from the inside. The only way to control or prevent spread of this disease is treatment by going through therapy, but sometime therapy can affect the memory and the learning abilities of the child. This is the reason why child cancer patients under going treatment for cancer face several predicaments in their educational. But this can be change by treatment and a little more awareness.

Treatment for cancer during childhood or adolescence may affect educational progress due to prolonged absences or reduced energy levels that that frequently occur during treatment. Factors that children have to face are the difficulties in school where they have to accept that they are diagnosed to cancer at a very young age. This will cause them to prolonged school absence and a history of learning problems before being diagnosed with cancer. Besides that cancer treatment can also affect hearing, vision, result in physical disabilities and central nervous system f for certain type of cancer.

Children with certain types of cancer such as tumors located in the head and facial area, leukemia and lymphoma are at higher risk of developing educational difficulties. This is because, the brain is a very complex structure that continues to grow and develop and due to radiation it stops the developing of the brain. After therapy is complete, common problems may occur in areas such as the children handwriting, spelling, reading, vocabulary, math, memory, planning and many more. This is proven by doctors after studying all patients.

They are many ways that can be done to help with the learning problems with special accommodations or services can be requested such as minimizing the amount of student in a class, use tape or record text book, use computer and many more other solutions. Beside that, parents and teacher should be aware of potential educational problem so that children can be watched closely and given extra attention. Thus children who have undergo treatment for cancer can join public laws or act that protect the rights of cancer patients such as The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which guarantees equal access to public space and opportunities to help cancer student to seek things they need.

I conclude by saying that sickness do weaken a person and give an impact to anybody life style but it does not stop a person from putting in a little effort to make changes to it. Lastly, I restate that cancer student should be given a chance and they should be help and guide them to improve themselves.

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